

Quality Management

HYOUNGWON's Quality Management System is as follows.

Based on PDCA, we are committed to increasing customer satisfaction by adding our own system, TOS.

A TOS system is a system that adds Training, Overlap, and Signal, which includes more specific and fractionized procedures during the Plan, Action, and Check phases, respectively.

Training allows you to plan while sharing and training case analysis results.

Overlap provides cross-checking based on the manual and specifies the manager of each task so that action can be performed.

Signal extracts, analyzes, and improves repeated faults more than three times to complement the check.


Hyoungwon will ensure that all project ts are executed in accordance with contract specifications and drawings, within the contractual time frame, and in compliance with all legal requirements thus providing good value and satisfaction to our client. We do this by employing the best qualified employees and seeking out and using reputable, state of the art equipment's and products. This will produce a service that conforms to specified standards of quality, reliability, and performance.

Health & Safety

Hyoungwon is fully committed to encouraging a culture of openness within our workforce regarding health and safety. Our policy is to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable risks, including the public, insofar as they interface with the Company or our activities.


Hyungwon's environmental policy is very intuitive. We will do everything we can to protect the environment and find better ways to do it. Our policy establishes a consistent standard intended to protect the environment by establishing sound practices that support compliance, while minimizing negative environmental impacts.